
Nuance Dragon

dragon professional individual

The #1 clinical documentation companion just got better

Next-level speech‑driven clinical documentation with secure, convenient, and comprehensive support from pre‑charting through post encounter.

Dragon Medical One, the industry’s #1 rated conversational AI workflow assistant and documentation companion, complements ambient documentation and supports a broader range of clinical and administrative workflows through hundreds of features and advanced capabilities.

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There's a cure for time‑consuming documentation challenges

Conquer the clicks with advanced speech recognition that delivers a more productive, personalized documentation experience before, during, and after the patient visit.
Off-the-charts accuracy

Off-the-charts accuracy

Best‑in‑class speech recognition capabilities allow you to dictate notes immediately, with no voice profile training. Achieve superior accuracy with automatic accent detection and audio calibration.


Save time with speech recognition intuitive enough to finish your sentences—and punctuate them correctly without verbal prompts.
Smartphone mic

Smartphone mic

When paired with PowerMic Mobile, any workstation becomes a dictation station, giving clinicians freedom to document notes using their smartphones as secure wireless microphones.
Select‑and‑say with built‑in voice control

Select‑and‑say with built‑in voice control

Format, correct, and navigate notes quickly and easily using natural language commands designed to optimize workflows.
Dictation done better

Dictation done better

Dictate at cursor, directly into the application of your choice, or use a dictation box to access your personalizations and transfer text between apps. Anchor dictation allows you to maintain focus as you move between multiple apps.


Reduce time and eliminate repetitive data entry by automating how commonly used content and information is added to clinical notes. Customized shortcuts can be shared across users, departments, and organizations.

Integrated voice skills that make workflows work your way

Take the monotony out of repetitive tasks with custom voice skills that enrich your workflow experience with automated shortcuts, easier access to specialized information, and seamless navigation of the EHR.

Custom Skills

Bring ease to common routines by automating tasks like moving through patient charts, placing orders, and signing notes. You can also customize shortcuts for personal emails, Microsoft Office documents, or complex searches.

Advanced skills

With complimentary, built‑in access to third‑party resources, you can use your voice to seamlessly search for clinical content on UpToDate or quickly call up medical reference data on MDCalc.

Premium skills

Use EHR‑specific skills to voice‑enable high‑value clinical tasks like order entry, chart search and review, and note retrieval. Interact effortlessly with Hey Epic!, Cerner Voice Assist, and MEDITECH Expanse Virtual Assistant.

Dragon Solutions: Achieve more with Dragon as your AI copilot

Dragon Solutions offer flexible and efficient new ways to document care to promote better work-life balance for caregivers and a better experience for patients.

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Please contact us to assist with orders or to book a demonstration

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